1. Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill
Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul.
Everything your mind can conceive, you can achieve.
The title says the same in different words. A compelling title might explain initial rushes to buy a book, but in the last 60 years, the world has bought over 30 million copies of Think and Grow Rich.
What People are Saying:
What People are Saying:
by Stephen R. Covey
This is one of the best-known leadership books of recent years, and the key phrase in the title is "people-focused". Rather than tackling specific problems or making external changes to processes, systems and so on, Covey's approach helps you focus on developing yourself personally and your relationships with others.
Covey describes three distinct stages of personal growth that we move through as we develop these habits: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change was a ground breaker when it was first published in 1990, and it continues to be a business bestseller with more than 10 million copies sold. Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are as frequently from family situations as from business challenges.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People explains a useful set of guiding principles that help you change personally as well as professionally, and so become more effective.
* Dependence: This is where we start, dependent on other people. And without personal development, we would stay stuck at this stage.
* Independence: Through personal development, we become more independent and take responsibility for our actions. Still, however, we are not fully effective.
* Interdependence: At this stage, we develop the understanding that, although we are self-reliant, we still need other people to accomplish our goals. At the interdependence stage we embrace the idea of working together for better results.
Covey describes three distinct stages of personal growth that we move through as we develop these habits: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change was a ground breaker when it was first published in 1990, and it continues to be a business bestseller with more than 10 million copies sold. Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are as frequently from family situations as from business challenges.
Steven Covey's Seven Habits help you develop personally and so become more effective in how you work and relate with other people. Developing these habits can help you tackle your work and life challenges with new confidence. At the core of these habits are a deeper understanding of yourself and an appreciation of the fact that you need others in order to achieve your goals. Developing them will take time and effort. But it is worthwhile and will have a lasting effect on your personal effectiveness.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problem by changing the way you think and behave. Talking and changing your behavior can change how you think (Cognitive) and what you do (Behavior). This can make you feel better about life. With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you work with a mental health counselor in a structured way, attending a limited number of session. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking, so you can view challenging situation more clearly and respond to them in a more effective way. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be a very helpful tool, in treating mental disorders or illness, such as anxiety or depression. It can be an effective tool to help anyone learn how to better manage stressful situation.
For more information about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Please Visit:
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
The best book for those who suffer from depression or anxiety. The best selling self-help book for mental health issues. Feeling Good is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, among the best types of therapy if not the best, and it is the bases of a lot of the stuff from the current 'it' fad of "The Secret." In Feeling Good, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life
For more information about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Please Visit:
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
The best book for those who suffer from depression or anxiety. The best selling self-help book for mental health issues. Feeling Good is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, among the best types of therapy if not the best, and it is the bases of a lot of the stuff from the current 'it' fad of "The Secret." In Feeling Good, eminent psychiatrist, David D. Burns, M.D., outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life
What People are Saying:
by Anthony Robbins

What People are Saying:
6. The One Minute Manager
by Ken Blanchard

by Anthony Robbins
Wake Up and Take Control of Your Life!
By applying the fundamental principles of self mastery, any person can take control of their life and harness the forces that shape destiny.
Self mastery holds the key to the quality of life. In particular, the nurture and development of a powerful belief system is vitally important. When a far-reaching belief system is established and regularly strengthened, a person life must follow the direction and ultimate destiny of that belief system.
You can literally have and achieve anything you want in life and create your own destiny by developing an appropriate underlying belief system, and then by using that system to influence everything you say, do and think. Anthony Robbins, the nation's leader in the science of peak performance, shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life. The acknowledged expert in the psychology of change, Anthony Robbins provides a step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control of your life and harness the forces that shape your destiny.
What People are Saying:
6. The One Minute Manager
by Ken Blanchard
For more than twenty years, millions of managers in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses nationwide have followed The One Minute Manager's techniques, thus increasing their productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity. These very real results were achieved through learning the management techniques that spell profitability for the organization and its employees.
The One Minute Manager is a concise, easily read story that reveals three very practical secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praising, and One Minute Reprimands.
The book also presents several studies in medicine and the behavioral sciences that clearly explain why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people. By the book's end you will know how to apply them to your own situation and enjoy the benefits.
That's why The One Minute Manager has continued to appear on business bestseller lists for more than two decades, and has become an international sensation.
What People are Saying:
7. Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Than in Less Time
by Brian Tracy
7. Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Than in Less Time
by Brian Tracy
If you develop the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly, you will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but gets very little done.
An old saying is that "If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long!" Your "FROG" is the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don't do something about it now! It is also the one task that can have the greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment.
It has also been said that "If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first!" This is another way of saying that if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first. Discipline yourself to begin immediately and then to persist until the task is complete before you go on to something else.
You can think of it as a "TEST" or personal challenge. You must resist the temptation to start with the easier task! You must continually remind yourself that one of the most important decisions you make each day is your choice of what you will do immediately and what you will do later --- if you do it at all!
One final assumption is "If you have to eat a live frog, it does not pay to sit and look at it for a very long time!"
MAIN IDEA = The key to reaching high levels of performance and productivity is for you to develop the lifelong habit of tackling your major task first thing each morning. You must develop the routine of "eating your frog" before you do anything else and without taking too much time to think about it!
Successful, effective people are those who launch directly into their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and single-minded until those tasks are complete.
In the business world, you are paid and promoted for getting specific, measurable results. You are paid for making a valuable contribution that is expected of you. But many employees confuse activity with accomplishment and this causes one of the biggest problems in organizations today, which is failure to execute!
The key to happiness, satisfaction, great success, and a wonderful feeling of personal power and effectiveness is for you to develop the habit of eating your frog first thing every day when you start work! Fortunately, this is a learn able skill that you can acquire through repetition. When this habit of starting on your most important task first is developed, your success is assured.
Get more things done faster by learning the following 21 rules and principles until they are ingrained in your thinking and actions:
8. How to Win Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People is a classic book by Dale Carnegie with a pretty self-explanatory title. The inspirational personal development guide that shows how to achieve lifelong success. How to Win Friends and Influence People is the first, and still the finest, book of its kind. One of the best-known motivational books in history. First published in 1937, Carnegie's advice has remained relevant for generations because he addresses timeless questions about the fine art of getting along with people: How can you make people like you instantly? How can you persuade people to agree with you? How can you speak frankly to people without giving offense? The ability to read others and successfully navigate any social situation is critically important to those who want to get a job, keep a job, or simply expand their social network. The core principles of this book, originally written as a practical, working handbook on human relations, are proven effective. Carnegie explains the fundamentals of handling people with a positive approach; how to make people like you and want to help you; how to win people to your way of thinking without conflict; and how to be the kind of leader who inspires quality work, increased productivity, and high morale. One of the top-selling books of all time, "How to Win Friends Influence People" has sold more than 15 million copies in all its editions., You can go after the job you want...and get it! You can take the job you have...and improve it! You can take any situation you're in...and make it work for you! For over 50 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. Now this phenomenal book has been revised and updated to help readers achieve their maximum potential in the complex and competitive 90s! Learn: The six ways to make people like you. The twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking The nine ways to change people without arousing resentment and much, much more......
9. Flow: The Psychology of optimal experience
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
While in these states, people experience
1. Extreme focus on a task.
2. A sense of active control.
3. Merging of action and awareness.
4. Loss of self-awareness.
5. Distortion of the experience of time.
6. The experience of the task being the only necessary justification for continuing it.
1. Extreme focus on a task.
2. A sense of active control.
3. Merging of action and awareness.
4. Loss of self-awareness.
5. Distortion of the experience of time.
6. The experience of the task being the only necessary justification for continuing it.
Csikszentmihalyi also outlined four characteristics found in tasks that drive an equilibrium between skill and difficulty, thus increasing the probability of Flow states. Specifically, these are tasks that:
- Have concrete goals with manageable rules.
- Demand actions to achieve goals that fit within the person's capabilities.
- Have clear and timely feedback on performance and goal accomplishment.
Diminish extraneous distraction, thus facilitating concentration.
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's famous investigations of "optimal experience" have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. In this new edition of his groundbreaking classic work, Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates the ways this positive state can be controlled, not just left to chance. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience teaches how, by ordering the information that enters our consciousness, we can discover true happiness and greatly improve the quality of our lives.
Cognitive Flow: The Psychology of Great Game Design
10. 50 Self-Help Classic: 50 Inspirational Books To Transform Your Life from Timeless Sages to Contemporary Gurus
by Tom Butler-Bowdon
Thousands of books have been written offering the 'secrets' to personal fulfillment and happiness: how to walk The Road Less Traveled, Win Friends and Influence People, or Awaken the Giant Within. But which are the all-time classics? Which ones really can change your life? Bringing you the essential ideas, insights and techniques from 50 legendary works from Lao-Tzu to Benjamin Franklin to Paulo Coelho, 50 Self-Help Classics is a unique guide to the great works of life transformation.
This is the first and only guide to personal development literature - to works that have captured the imagination of millions, and which can inspire you to follow your dream. 50 Self-Help Classics provides commentary assessing the impact of each classic and summaries each classic's key ideas, allowing the reader to make an informed choice from the bewildering array of books on the market.
A practical, inspirational and interesting guide to an area of literature that finally deserves to be taken seriously, this book covers, among others, Marcus Aurelius, M Scott Peck, Dale Carnegie, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Covey, the Dalai Lama, Benjamin Franklin, John Gray, Susan Jeffers, Phil McGraw, Anthony Robbins, Lao-Tzu, Marianne Williamson...
Tom Butler-Bowdon has provided an excellent tool for personal re-engineering - ideal for anyone contemplating career change or re-orientation.