GOAL: Once you know your life purpose, determine your vision, and clarify what you true needs and desires are, you have to convert them into specific, measurable goals and objectives and then act on them with the certainty that you will achieve them.
Be as specific as possible with all aspects of your goals- include the make, model, color, year, and features..... the size, weight, shape, and form and any other details. Remember vague goals produce vague results.
One of the best ways to get clarity and specificity on your goals to write out in detail-as if you work writing specifications for a work order. Include every possible detail.
If there is a certain house you want to own, write down its specifics in vivid colorful detail- the location, landscaping, furniture, artwork, sound system, and floor plan. If a picture of the house is available, get a copy of it. Then provide a date by which you expect to own it.
When you write it all down, your subconscious mind will know what to work on. It will know which opportunities to have in on to help you reach your goal.
When you create your goals, be sure to write down some big ones that will stretch you. It pays to have goals that will require you to grow to achieve them. It is a good things to have some goals that make you a little uncomfortable. Because the ultimate goal, in addition to achieving your material goals, is to become a master at life. And to do this, you will need to learn new skills, expand your vision of what's possible, build new relationships, and learn to overcome your fears, considerations, and roadblock.
Once you've written down all your goals, both large and small, the next step on your journey to success is to activate the creative powers of your subconscious mind by reviewing your list two or three times every day.
Following this daily daily discipline of success will activate the power of your desire. It increases what psychologists refer to as "structural tension" in your brain. Your brain wants to close the gap between your current reality and the vision of your goal. By constantly repeating and visualizing your goal as already achieved, you will be increasing this structural tension. This will increase your motivation, stimulate your creativity, and heighten your awareness of resources that can help you achieved your goal.
Make sure to review your goals at least twice a day-in the morning upon awakening, and again at night before going to bed.
Put a list of your goals in your daily planner or your calender system. You can also create a pop-up or screen saver on your computer that lists your goals. The objective is to constantly keep your goals in front of you. Another powerful way to speed up the achievement of your goals is to create a Goal Book. Then create a separate page for each of your goals. Write the goal at the top of the page and then illustrate it with pictures, words, and phrases that depict your goal as already achieved. A new goals and desires emerge, simply add them to your list and your Goals Book. Review the pages of your Goals Book everyday.
Take the time to make a list of 101 goals you want to achieve in your life. Write them in vivid detail, noting where, when, how much, which model, what size, and so on. Put them on 3''x 5" cards, on a goal page, or in a Goal Book. Every time you achieve one of your goals, check it off and write victory next to it.
It is important to understand that as soon as you set a goal, three things are going to emerge that stop most people but not you. If you know that these three things are part of the process, then you can treat them as what they are- just things to handle-rather than letting them stop you.
These three obstacles to success are consideration fears, and roadblock. Think about it. As soon as you say you want to double your income next year, within moments considerations such as I'll have to work twice as hard or I won't have time for my family or my wife's going to kill me begin to emerge. You might have thoughts such as my territory is maced out- I can't see how I could possibly get product from me. If you say you're going to run a marathon, you might hear a voice in your head say, you get hurt, or you'll have to get up two hours earlier every day. These thoughts are called considerations. They are all the reasons why you shouldn't attempt the goal.
But surfacing these considerations is a good thing. They are how you have been subconsciously stopping yourself all along. Now that you have brought them into conscious awareness. You can deal with them, confront them, and move past them.
Fears- on the other hand, are feelings. You may experience a fear of rejection, fear of failure, or a fear of making a fool of yourself. You might be afraid of getting physically or emotionally hurt. You might be afraid that you will lose all the money you have already saved. These fears are not unusual. They are just part of the process.
Finally, you'll become aware of roadblocks. These are purely external circumstances- well beyond just thoughts and feelings in your head. A road block may be that no body wants to join you on your project. A road block might be that you don't have all the money you need to move forward.
Road blocks are simply obstacles that the world throws at you- it rains when you're trying to put on an outdoor concert, you don't have the financial backing you need, and so on, road blocks are simply real-world circumstances that you need to deal with in order to move forward. They simply exist there and always will.
Unfortunately, when these considerations, fears, and road blocks come up, most people see them as a stop sign. Considerations, fears, and road blocks as stop signs but rather as a normal part of the process that will always appear. When you remodel your kitchen, you redesign yourself to a little dust and disturbance as part of the price you will have to pay. You simply learn to deal with it. The same is true of considerations, fear, and road blocks. You just learn to deal with them.
In fact, they're supposed to appear. If they don't it means you haven't set a goal that's big enough to stretch you and grow you. It means there's no real potential for self-development.
To achieve a big goal, you are going to have to become a bigger person. You are going to have to develop new skills, new attitudes, and new capabilities. You are going to have to stretch yourself, and in so doing you will be stretched forever.
DO IT NOW: Make a list of goals you want to accomplish. Make sure you have measurable (how much, by when) goals for every aspect of your vision. Then decide on breakthrough goal, write it on the back of a business card. And then create a list of 101 goals you want to achieve before you die. Being clear about your purpose, vision, and goals will put you in the top 3 % of the world's achievers. To move into the top 1% of achievers, all you have to do is write down some specific action steps that will help you accomplish your goals on your daily to-do list. Then make sure to take those actions.
Think of it this way. If you are clear where you are going (goals) and you take several steps in that directions every day, you eventually have to get there. So decide what you want, write it down, review it constantly, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.
Are Goals Really Necessary?
You must have a goal because it's just as difficult to reach a destination you don't have as it is to come back from a place you're never been.
Unless you have definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potentials that lies within you. You'll never make it as a "wandering generality." You must be a meaningful specific." What about you and your goals? Are they clearly in focus, or still pretty fuzzy? A man or a women without a goal is like a ship without a rudder. Each will drift and not drive. Each will end up on the beaches of despair, defeat and despondency. Many people make the same mistake and as a result reap only a small fraction of the harvest life has to offer. Despite the fact that untold wealth lies within reach, they acquire very little of it because they blindly, without question, follow the crowd in a circle to nowhere.
Do most people have goals? Apparently not. I can't believe that failure is caused by lack of opportunity, because America offers many unique opportunities. Do the people in life who don't succeed actually plan to fail? I don't think so. The problem is they don't plan anything. Since goals are so important, why do only 8% of the Americans people specifically commit their goals to paper? There are four basic reasons. First, they have never been "sold". Told yes- sold no. Second, they don't know how. Third, they fear they won't reach the goals they set and will be embarrassed. Fourth, poor self-image. They don't think they deserve the good things life has to offer so why bother to write down what you want since you don't "deserve" to have it, which means (in their mind) that they won't have it. If fear is your problem, it simply means that you do not make a commitment. Using that line of reasoning, I could point out that it would be "safer" for a ship to stay in the harbor, "safer" for a plane to stay on the ground and "safer" for a house to stay empty because a plane encounter "risk" when it leaves the ground and house invites "risk" when someone moves in. But the ship would collect barnacles and become un-seaworthy even faster in the harbor. The plane will rust much faster on the ground and the house would deteriorate much faster standing empty. Yes, there is danger in setting goals but the risk is infinitely greater when you don't set goals. The reason is simple. Just as ships are built to sail the seas, planes to fly the heavens, and houses for living. So is man created for a purpose. If you want something, you must do something. The basic goal-reaching principle that you go as far as you can see and when you get there, you will always be able to see further.
Goals? for whom? A goal is an aim or purpose. It's a plan with definite goals you release your own power, and things start happening.
If there is a certain house you want to own, write down its specifics in vivid colorful detail- the location, landscaping, furniture, artwork, sound system, and floor plan. If a picture of the house is available, get a copy of it. Then provide a date by which you expect to own it.
When you write it all down, your subconscious mind will know what to work on. It will know which opportunities to have in on to help you reach your goal.
When you create your goals, be sure to write down some big ones that will stretch you. It pays to have goals that will require you to grow to achieve them. It is a good things to have some goals that make you a little uncomfortable. Because the ultimate goal, in addition to achieving your material goals, is to become a master at life. And to do this, you will need to learn new skills, expand your vision of what's possible, build new relationships, and learn to overcome your fears, considerations, and roadblock.
Once you've written down all your goals, both large and small, the next step on your journey to success is to activate the creative powers of your subconscious mind by reviewing your list two or three times every day.
Following this daily daily discipline of success will activate the power of your desire. It increases what psychologists refer to as "structural tension" in your brain. Your brain wants to close the gap between your current reality and the vision of your goal. By constantly repeating and visualizing your goal as already achieved, you will be increasing this structural tension. This will increase your motivation, stimulate your creativity, and heighten your awareness of resources that can help you achieved your goal.
Make sure to review your goals at least twice a day-in the morning upon awakening, and again at night before going to bed.
Put a list of your goals in your daily planner or your calender system. You can also create a pop-up or screen saver on your computer that lists your goals. The objective is to constantly keep your goals in front of you. Another powerful way to speed up the achievement of your goals is to create a Goal Book. Then create a separate page for each of your goals. Write the goal at the top of the page and then illustrate it with pictures, words, and phrases that depict your goal as already achieved. A new goals and desires emerge, simply add them to your list and your Goals Book. Review the pages of your Goals Book everyday.
Take the time to make a list of 101 goals you want to achieve in your life. Write them in vivid detail, noting where, when, how much, which model, what size, and so on. Put them on 3''x 5" cards, on a goal page, or in a Goal Book. Every time you achieve one of your goals, check it off and write victory next to it.
It is important to understand that as soon as you set a goal, three things are going to emerge that stop most people but not you. If you know that these three things are part of the process, then you can treat them as what they are- just things to handle-rather than letting them stop you.
These three obstacles to success are consideration fears, and roadblock. Think about it. As soon as you say you want to double your income next year, within moments considerations such as I'll have to work twice as hard or I won't have time for my family or my wife's going to kill me begin to emerge. You might have thoughts such as my territory is maced out- I can't see how I could possibly get product from me. If you say you're going to run a marathon, you might hear a voice in your head say, you get hurt, or you'll have to get up two hours earlier every day. These thoughts are called considerations. They are all the reasons why you shouldn't attempt the goal.
But surfacing these considerations is a good thing. They are how you have been subconsciously stopping yourself all along. Now that you have brought them into conscious awareness. You can deal with them, confront them, and move past them.
Fears- on the other hand, are feelings. You may experience a fear of rejection, fear of failure, or a fear of making a fool of yourself. You might be afraid of getting physically or emotionally hurt. You might be afraid that you will lose all the money you have already saved. These fears are not unusual. They are just part of the process.
Finally, you'll become aware of roadblocks. These are purely external circumstances- well beyond just thoughts and feelings in your head. A road block may be that no body wants to join you on your project. A road block might be that you don't have all the money you need to move forward.
Road blocks are simply obstacles that the world throws at you- it rains when you're trying to put on an outdoor concert, you don't have the financial backing you need, and so on, road blocks are simply real-world circumstances that you need to deal with in order to move forward. They simply exist there and always will.
Unfortunately, when these considerations, fears, and road blocks come up, most people see them as a stop sign. Considerations, fears, and road blocks as stop signs but rather as a normal part of the process that will always appear. When you remodel your kitchen, you redesign yourself to a little dust and disturbance as part of the price you will have to pay. You simply learn to deal with it. The same is true of considerations, fear, and road blocks. You just learn to deal with them.
In fact, they're supposed to appear. If they don't it means you haven't set a goal that's big enough to stretch you and grow you. It means there's no real potential for self-development.
To achieve a big goal, you are going to have to become a bigger person. You are going to have to develop new skills, new attitudes, and new capabilities. You are going to have to stretch yourself, and in so doing you will be stretched forever.
DO IT NOW: Make a list of goals you want to accomplish. Make sure you have measurable (how much, by when) goals for every aspect of your vision. Then decide on breakthrough goal, write it on the back of a business card. And then create a list of 101 goals you want to achieve before you die. Being clear about your purpose, vision, and goals will put you in the top 3 % of the world's achievers. To move into the top 1% of achievers, all you have to do is write down some specific action steps that will help you accomplish your goals on your daily to-do list. Then make sure to take those actions.
Think of it this way. If you are clear where you are going (goals) and you take several steps in that directions every day, you eventually have to get there. So decide what you want, write it down, review it constantly, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.
What others think about you is none of your business.
You have to believe in yourself when no one else does. That's what makes you a winner- Venus Williams.
Are Goals Really Necessary?
You must have a goal because it's just as difficult to reach a destination you don't have as it is to come back from a place you're never been.
Unless you have definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potentials that lies within you. You'll never make it as a "wandering generality." You must be a meaningful specific." What about you and your goals? Are they clearly in focus, or still pretty fuzzy? A man or a women without a goal is like a ship without a rudder. Each will drift and not drive. Each will end up on the beaches of despair, defeat and despondency. Many people make the same mistake and as a result reap only a small fraction of the harvest life has to offer. Despite the fact that untold wealth lies within reach, they acquire very little of it because they blindly, without question, follow the crowd in a circle to nowhere.
Do most people have goals? Apparently not. I can't believe that failure is caused by lack of opportunity, because America offers many unique opportunities. Do the people in life who don't succeed actually plan to fail? I don't think so. The problem is they don't plan anything. Since goals are so important, why do only 8% of the Americans people specifically commit their goals to paper? There are four basic reasons. First, they have never been "sold". Told yes- sold no. Second, they don't know how. Third, they fear they won't reach the goals they set and will be embarrassed. Fourth, poor self-image. They don't think they deserve the good things life has to offer so why bother to write down what you want since you don't "deserve" to have it, which means (in their mind) that they won't have it. If fear is your problem, it simply means that you do not make a commitment. Using that line of reasoning, I could point out that it would be "safer" for a ship to stay in the harbor, "safer" for a plane to stay on the ground and "safer" for a house to stay empty because a plane encounter "risk" when it leaves the ground and house invites "risk" when someone moves in. But the ship would collect barnacles and become un-seaworthy even faster in the harbor. The plane will rust much faster on the ground and the house would deteriorate much faster standing empty. Yes, there is danger in setting goals but the risk is infinitely greater when you don't set goals. The reason is simple. Just as ships are built to sail the seas, planes to fly the heavens, and houses for living. So is man created for a purpose. If you want something, you must do something. The basic goal-reaching principle that you go as far as you can see and when you get there, you will always be able to see further.
Goals? for whom? A goal is an aim or purpose. It's a plan with definite goals you release your own power, and things start happening.
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. - Andrew Carnegie
If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things- you don't have enough goals. - Lou Holt z.
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